Tuesday Photo Challenge Guidelines

A quick overview

The Tuesday Photo Challenge is a weekly theme-based challenge for photographers of all kinds to share both new and old photography.  Some weeks I might throw in some additional hints or thoughts on how to make the challenge an opportunity to experiment with various photographic techniques.

There’s no requirement to use fancy equipment, as I tend to keep the challenges structured to keep them accessible for all kinds of photography.  Some of my best images have been captured with a smartphone, rather than a professional DSLR, and, I have to admit, that it’s fun to surprise people by revealing that an image is taken with a rather ‘simple’ tool.

For this weekly challenge, the guidelines are the following:

  • Write a post with an image for this week’s topic.  It’s often informative for fellow bloggers and photographers to share some thoughts with any images that you post.
  • Please tag your post with fpj-photo-challenge (if you’re not sure about how tags work, please check out this WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post, so that I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week (note: pingbacks may not appear immediately, as my site is set up to require approval for linking to it; helps against previous bad experiences with spamming).  I usually collect the posts on Sunday for posting on my blog on Monday morning.
  • Have fun creating something new (or sharing something old).  This is really the most important guideline, as it’s all about fun!

Also, if you have any thoughts for topics or techniques to be feautred, please share them, as I’m always interested in getting more blogging community involvement; it’s what makes blogging enjoyable.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask them.  Looking foward to seeing you participate!!

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