Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 206

Reach up and rise!

Welcome to the 206th round up of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!

My apologies for the very late posting of this round up; I’m finally coming up for air amidst all the business goings-on that are flowing forth from this pandemic of ours. I hope that you and yours are doing well during this testing time. At this point, I’ve recovered from the unusual experience of air travel during coronavirus adjustments.

Thank you for the amazing responses to the theme of Hope; as always, your creativity shows itself in many different expressions. Each with its own unique flavor and outlook.

Hope is around us, wherever we look…

Springing forth toward the sky…

Tower Hill Botanic Garden might be closed during this period, but rest assured that Nature’s design is not thwarted by any virus, as Nature, like all of us, might have to take a different path, as a destiny filled with hope lies ahead.

Please enjoy the following blog posts:

  1. Michelle kicks things off for the theme with a great photo of rose apple in bloom in Take a Walk…and Discover! Awesome shot filled with hope!
  2. There’s nothing like the hope of that special bit of fortune at the races, as we see pictured in theOnlyD800intheHameau; is it a sure bet?
  3. Diane reminds us that each dawn brings new hope in her wonderful post in pensivity101; lovely post and photos!
  4. Bren brings us an absolutely stunning shot in her post in Brashley Photography; the magnolia blossom bud really brings the hope of Spring!
  5. Tatiana shares an amazing shot in her post in Giftsmart; the composition and colors just jump off the screen!
  6. Spring may be hiding, as we see in a great post in The Jesh Studio, but I expect that we’re hoping for its beauty and warming breezes everywhere!
  7. Carol brings us hope on the wing in her post in Light Words; that shot of the monarch butterfly is stunning and screams Spring!
  8. Nandini continues with her great haikus in her post in queennandini; she has a knack for them and lets the hope shine through!
  9. Viveka reminds us to appreciate the hope in our current situation and what people do to ensure we don’t lose sight of what’s important in a wonderful post in myguiltypleasures; thank you!
  10. Jackie’s collection of photos in JunkBoat Travels literally brings us signs of hope in several different ways; great post!
  11. There’s definitely a place where hope comes from, as highlight in a cool post in Does Writing Excuse Watching… star nurseries are the creators of the stuff that life is made of!
  12. Marianne brings us the hopeful vision of flowers in the Spring in her post in Kanlaon; those are truly beautiful!
  13. Hannah shares another stunning photo in her post in Zebra’s Child; hope very much springs alive in this image! Of course, Hannah brings us even more beauty in another post in Zebra’s Child that is filled with hope!
  14. Xenia’s post in whippetwisdom emphasizes how dog and human provide support for one another; they fill us with hope, as much as we provide it for them! In a second post in Tranature, we are treated to some more photos taken through the sphere lens…they are gorgeous!
  15. Teressa brings us the hope of renewal, as she highlights some of the forms that it might take in Nature in Another LQQk; wonderful post!
  16. Sandy demonstrates that hope springs forth in her post in Out of my Write Mind; not only from the ground, but also from her mind!
  17. In a wonderful post in Peace of Life Today, Lisa shows us a true vision of hope in all of Nature’s glory!
  18. Come to me, says the spider in a beautiful photo in Land of Images, where same spider holds out hope: for a meal!
  19. Mark shares an absolutely stunning shot in his post in Schlink’s Shots; the tenderness of the little flower is filled with hope!
  20. Sarah brings us a gorgeous shot of Australian Wattle in her post in By Sarah; the gentle shade of yellow cannot help, but bring hope!
  21. Nicole’s lovely photo in her post in Une Photo, Un Poéme brings us hope for life on many levels: the flower, the bee, and ultimately, all of us!
  22. For this theme there’s another wonderful post in Don’t Hold Your Breath! Not only do we get to see more birds during this quiet, but we also get to hear them in this post! Thank you!
  23. Ken’s photo in Pictures without Film is filled with the luminescence that radiates the power of life from its every pixel; amazing shot!
  24. Cee always brings out some of the best in photography, and her photos in the post in Cee’s Photo Challenges are just fantastic!
  25. Hope emanates from every image in another lovely post in A Day in the Life; skipping along the beach is just one of those rare pleasures!!
  26. Deb has an eye for the unusual, as we can see in her photo in Twenty Four; the tableau is rather unusual, and evokes bon esperance!
  27. Ann-Christine finds a rather convincing array of hope in her post in To see a world in a grain of sand…! And I agree that hope will spread across the world!
  28. Woolly puts his sense of humor on full display in another great post in WoollyMuses! It reminds me of something a pilot once told me: Any landing that you can walk away from is a good landing…
  29. Debbie always manages to bring hope in her posts in ForgivingConnects, as she has worked through some difficult things in her life, and come out stronger and filled with hope! Inspirational!
  30. Brian not only brings us hope with the rainbow in his post in Bushboy’s World, but he also shares a stellar Hope and Glory!
  31. Jennifer shares her vision of hope in a great post in Jennifer Kelland Perry, Author; another great blog to follow!
  32. Louise’s post in Dare Boldly is absolutely filled with inspiration; if any post is worth the read, this one is it!
  33. Maria brings us a stunning flower in her post in Kamerapromenader; the wood anemone inspires us with its hope!
  34. Rita’s beautiful photo in Heart to Heart shares the hope of renewal with the trees that were topless in Winter; may their Spring cloak grow with abundance!

Please let all these wonderful authors know how much you enjoy their blog posts!

Author: jansenphoto

A Fresh Perspective Photography is more than just a vehicle for capturing the world around me; it provides me with a palette and a set of brushes, with which I paint not only what I see, but also look to express the emotions that are evoked by the scene in front of me in that moment. Growing up in the Netherlands exposed me to a wide cross-section of visual arts that laid the foundation of my photographic view of all that surrounds me. Early influences were the Dutch Masters of the 17th century, to whom I was introduced by my grandfather during museum explorations; favorites among them are the scenes of quotidian life depicted by Jan Steen and Frans Hals and the vivid landscapes of Jacob van Ruisdael. My classical high school education was supplemented by the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum, where I spent many a lunch hour exploring its great collection. Here I was introduced to surrealism with a particular love for the approach taken by Salvador Dali; Dali also rekindled my appreciation for the work of Hieronymus Bosch, who often showed the folly of us mortals. Universal Connections My approach to any photographic subject is to look for understanding first; in this I look to establish either a connection between the viewer and the subject or capture the connection of the subject with its surroundings. The captured image then aims to portray this connection from a perspective that is part of my personal interpretation. This interpretation is often a form of externalized introspection, which may alternately display the connection of isolated beings and items with their environment or highlight the whimsy of the profound world, in which we find ourselves. The universe is full of connections, many of which are waiting to be discovered; part of my journey as a photographer is to document these connections. Any assignment, be it an event, a product shoot or a portrait session is always approached through communication with the client; this is where the first connection is established. Ideas are exchanged and a collaborative plan of action forms, ultimately resulting in a set of images that aim to exceed the expectations of each client. And, lest we forget, it is important to have fun while practicing the serious business of photography!

18 thoughts on “Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 206”

  1. Frank, thanks for the kind words … over my post. Means a lot to me. I have been worried about you – no smoke signal from you. Hope that everything is okay with you and your dear ones.

    1. Hi Viveka, thank you very much for your concern. The loss of my mother definitely had an impact on me, and travel during these times has been strange to say the least.

      Stay safe and all the best to you and your family.

      1. Frank, so sorry for your lost .. I know how it’s to loose mum and as my mum .. said to me. Don’t let my departure be hard on your soul eye … let my heart keep you warm at all time. Which I know your mum will keep whole of you warm So glad that you’re okay in your lost and in those days. My thoughts goes out to you.

  2. Hi Frank, a bit late with my comment here but loads of wonderful posts. I had linked to your theme this particular week with my daughters wonderful array of animals but never mind. Sending you lots of love, I know the pain and sense of loss of these days. I hope you’re well. Take care. xx

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