Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 134

Three’s never a crowd!

Welcome to the 134th round up of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!  After enjoying some Thanksgiving food, I’m finally getting caught up with things this week, so here it is…

I was overwhelmed by the volume of responses and really enjoyed the types of triples or trios that each of you shared in your posts. Many were touching, and quite a few made me laugh in enjoyment of the wit that shoed in them.  Thank you for all the great effort that you put into your posts!  I hope that each of you enjoy your posts as much as I did!

These three are still among some of my favoirte ones…

Volendam Fishing Boats

This location is in Baxter State Park in Northern Maine, and I found it very comfortable to take a nice rest in the thick beds of moss.  If only it weren’t a short rest, I would have enjoyed it even more!

The following were this week’s participants in the challenge with links to their posts:

  1. Ron starts the contributions of the week with a great post in Progressing into Solitude.
  2. The trio photographed in the post by Geriatri’X’ Fotogallery is truly stunning!
  3. Brian’s post in his blog Bushboy’s World has an intersting variety of trios…some more inviting than others…
  4. Shelley’s post in Quaint Revival is truly interesting, as she not only has great trios, but also examines whether an ISTJ can use a bullet journal without freaking out!
  5. In a wonderful post in Charlesewaugh, we meet a rather relaxed trio, which seems pretty happy.
  6. This week, pensivity101 can barely get her brain of chocolate, but luckily finds some trios despite this hurdle!
  7. In a lovely post in Minding My P’s and Q’s, we get to enjoy a gorgeous rainy day trio of photos!
  8. Yinglan may have had a challenge to find photos with trios, but as we can see in This is Another Story, she found some wonderful ones!
  9. In a great post in For the Love Of, there’s a great trio that we might just want some more of!!
  10. Cee features some wonderful photos of threes in Cee’s Photography, which are really interesting!
  11. The great photos of trios in Chateaux des Fleurs put a smile on my face; what do you think?
  12. Gwenny’s post in Field Notes from over the Hill definitely waxes nostalgic; do you have moments like that?
  13. Sarah’s post in By Sarah features a trio that makes a perfect setting for two!
  14. Emily went for comfy in her photo in Zombie Flamingoes, and I agree that it looks like a great place to relax!
  15. In another awesome post in MV Obsession, we meet a trio standing around discussing the future of the United States.
  16. The poem in Na’ama Yehuda‘s post is fantastic, as she captures the sense of the flowers to perfection!
  17. In this week’s post in To See a World in a Grain of Sand… Ann-Christine captures a great set of trios!
  18. In the Nut House, we find Kammie has caught some wonderful trios with her camera!
  19. In a great post in Travel with Intent, Debbie introduces us to an interesting trio in Nimes!
  20. With a little ARHtistic License, Andrea features a trio that makes all of us wonder why she captured them 🙂
  21. Susan shares some incredible photos in her post in Musin’ with Susan, which feature beauty in threes!
  22. Jase features a great photo in his post in Proscenium; bridging the gap is definitely needed!
  23. The award for unique trio might go to the post in Danny James Photography, but I do wonder whose they are…
  24. Ladyleemanila has a great collection of trios in her post; there is definitely some great fun in them!
  25. The post in Sing Like Wildflowers is awesome and uplifting! Those smiles are just the best!
  26. In a great post in Light Words, Carol has some beautiful and fluffy trios on display!
  27. In Heart to Heart‘s post we get a great variety of trios, although I do wonder about pink trees…
  28. Woolly shares some magnifient photos in his Woolly Muses post, of which one really stands out to me!  Which one is your favorite?
  29. In a wonderful post in MyTravelCSP the trios range from menacing to lovely!
  30. Sandy shares some really interesting trios in Out of my Write Mind, among which Nature takes various directions.
  31. Xenia has a great trio of photos in her blog Tranature, in which there is a great river party!  In a second post in WhippetWisdom, Xenia is part of a wonderful trio with Eivor and Pearl and shares a great tanka.
  32. Olga shares some stunning sets of trios in Stuff and what if…, among which I really love those horses!
  33. Maria finds us some trios for her post in KameraPromenader; their color and composition are inspiring!
  34. Alice shares a great post in the 59 Club, which is a great looking blog; her trios are truly interesting!
  35. In a Young Retirement, Bud and Jane post some gorgeous photos that fit our theme beautifully!
  36. Tatiana has some great photos this week; in Giftsmart, we enjoy some wonderful pink cactus flowers. In TravelWays we get to see some really cute ducklings!  Her first post in TravelArtPix features a great painting, and the second post in TravelArtPix shows some backyard friends.
  37. In her post in Photoworld, vol 3, Petra mentions that her trio might be a bit scary…what do you think?
  38. In his post in the Blog of Hammad Rais, Hammad features his three favorite foods and some other cool trios!
  39. Some great photos in Hadd Hai Yaar feature a couple of sets of trios, but I think there are more than 3 motorcycles 🙂
  40. Deb’s post in Twenty Four has an incredibly tall trio, which wins in the height cateogry over many other options!
  41. This week’s post in One letter UP – diary 2.0 has probably the coolest trio of all…these Blues artists really rock!
  42. Robert’s photo in Photo Robert’s Blog tells the story of a trio that may just have missed their connection…
  43. In this week’s contribution in Don’t Hold Your Breath, the key trio is found on the plate!  In a second post in Don’t Hold Your Breath, we learn about moon gates and dragon walls!
  44. In a great looking travel diary, Akanksha Kargwal shares an incredible photo of a traveling trio!
  45. Ilka has a really happy trio in her post in A Thousand Miles, with her three sons appearing to have some great fun!
  46. In another excellent post in Land of Images, we see that three ewes don’t pull the wool over our eyes!
  47. In another awesome post in Life Amazing, we see both silliness and serious concentration…they can do both!
  48. Debbie focuses on the use of creativity in forgiveness in her post in ForgivingConnects; these are definitely some great ideas!
  49. Ju-Lyn’s post in All Things Bright and Beautiful focuses on the color purple…I like it!
  50. With a wonderful photo in Sgeoil, we get to see a great trio of flowers that look amazing!
  51. With a great post in his blog Island in the Net, Khürt focuses on a key aspect of photography that fits this week’s theme!

I hope that you enjoy these posts and let the authors know!

Author: jansenphoto

A Fresh Perspective Photography is more than just a vehicle for capturing the world around me; it provides me with a palette and a set of brushes, with which I paint not only what I see, but also look to express the emotions that are evoked by the scene in front of me in that moment. Growing up in the Netherlands exposed me to a wide cross-section of visual arts that laid the foundation of my photographic view of all that surrounds me. Early influences were the Dutch Masters of the 17th century, to whom I was introduced by my grandfather during museum explorations; favorites among them are the scenes of quotidian life depicted by Jan Steen and Frans Hals and the vivid landscapes of Jacob van Ruisdael. My classical high school education was supplemented by the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum, where I spent many a lunch hour exploring its great collection. Here I was introduced to surrealism with a particular love for the approach taken by Salvador Dali; Dali also rekindled my appreciation for the work of Hieronymus Bosch, who often showed the folly of us mortals. Universal Connections My approach to any photographic subject is to look for understanding first; in this I look to establish either a connection between the viewer and the subject or capture the connection of the subject with its surroundings. The captured image then aims to portray this connection from a perspective that is part of my personal interpretation. This interpretation is often a form of externalized introspection, which may alternately display the connection of isolated beings and items with their environment or highlight the whimsy of the profound world, in which we find ourselves. The universe is full of connections, many of which are waiting to be discovered; part of my journey as a photographer is to document these connections. Any assignment, be it an event, a product shoot or a portrait session is always approached through communication with the client; this is where the first connection is established. Ideas are exchanged and a collaborative plan of action forms, ultimately resulting in a set of images that aim to exceed the expectations of each client. And, lest we forget, it is important to have fun while practicing the serious business of photography!

20 thoughts on “Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 134”

  1. Hi Frank,
    I cannot express enough the gratitude for you doing all this: First having this wonderful – high quality challenge, and secondly for taking your time to list and comment on all our entries! It is remarkable that now, you did all these comments on the Thanksgiving day (in US). Well, thank you, so much!

  2. You were wondering the story of the three shoes in my post?

    The Shoes on the Danube Bank is a memorial in Budapest, Hungary. Conceived by film director Can Togay, he created it on the east bank of the Danube River with sculptor Gyula Pauer to honour the Jews who were killed by fascist Arrow Cross militiamen in Budapest during World War II. They were ordered to take off their shoes, and were shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell into the river and were carried away. It represents their shoes left behind on the bank.

  3. Oh my God. This is an amazing list, Frank. Is this the largest turnout yet? I think so.
    Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and your wife – and thanks for highlighting my post. 🙂

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