The Ancient Elements – Earth

Mother Earth’s children

The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge has the wonderful theme of Elemental; I’ll be sure to cover all the Ancient Elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air during this week, as each has presented ample opportunities to me photographically.

In a break from the earlier posts in this series, I am going with a representational image for the Elemental of Earth.  In this image, we look toward the strong connection that humanity has with the earth for its sustenance, materials, living space and many other aspects of our daily lives…


Fields of Tuscany

This image came about from my noticing this particular field, as my wife and I were driving to the town of Pienza in Tuscany.  During the morning there were a number of photographers at this location, so I skipped it, only to find it even more to my liking in the afternoon!

Hope you enjoy!

Diversity of the Earth – pt. 7

This could be a prince!

This weeks WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge has the theme of Earth, which is appropriate, given that Saturday is Earth Day.  So I figured that I would do a weeklong series of different views of the Earth that I have experienced.  Feel free to join in with the fun!

In this seventh and final episode, I’d like to feature a group of animals that have adapted themselves perfectly to the water-rich planet that we call home: Amphibians.  Their ability to make the best use of both water and land environment, has made them an evolutionary success story.

On top of that, they are often gorgeous to look at, such as this one….

Patient Frog

This shot came about when I noticed this beautiful frog sitting next to a decorative pond; I decided to try and approach it, by crawling on my stomach to slowly get within shooting distance.  As I got closer, I’d take another image or two, until I got myself hanging out over the pond to get this angle.  After this shot, I put my camera down and gently pulled myself back on safe ground.

The frog never moved!

Technical Details

This images were captured with Canon EOS 1D MkII using an Canon EF 24-104mm f/4L lens.  Exposure settings were 1/60 second at f/7.1 and 400 ISO.

Diversity of the Earth – pt. 6

A new treatment of Skye

This weeks WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge has the theme of Earth, which is appropriate, given that Saturday is Earth Day.  So I figured that I would do a weeklong series of different views of the Earth that I have experienced.  Feel free to join in with the fun!

In this sixth episode, I’d like to share some of the awe that I experienced visiting the Isle of Skye during our trip to Scotland.  This island in the Inner Hebrides is the largest and northernmost in the group, carrying the shape of a lobster claw.  What struck me about Skye is its diversity in presentation to the camera’s lens, as each turn of a road provides fresh views unlike no other and the movement of clouds paints the hills with shadow and light to create one-of-a-kind other-worldly vistas from one minute to the next.

Skye’s the Limit!

This view is across the Quiraing range on the Trotternish peninsula; after finding a reasonably high vantage point, I simply enjoyed Nature’s slideshow, which was on display with unending generosity.

Technical Details

This image series was captured with Canon EOS 5D MkIII using an Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L lens.  Exposure settings were 1/125s at f/18 and 400 ISO for the middle image and -1/+1 EV for the bracketing images.  These were processed using Photomatix Pro.

Diversity of the Earth – pt. 2

Highs and lows

This weeks WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge has the theme of Earth, which is appropriate, given that Saturday is Earth Day.  So I figured that I would do a weeklong series of different views of the Earth that I have experienced.  Feel free to join in with the fun!

In this second episode, we find ourselves at the location of the Earth’s largest tidal variation: the Bay of Fundy!  The Earth’s interplay with the Moon has been key to the development of life on this little planet, and the tidal movements are a diurnal reminder of this interaction…

Bay of Fundy at Low Tide

This image dates back just about 10 years, from when we went to visit Nova Scotia.  As my wife was running our dogs in agility, I explored Nova Scotia and found this low tide scene in the little town of Digby.

Technical Details

This image was captured with Canon EOS 1D MkII using an Canon 28-80mm f/4-5.6 lens.  Exposure settings were at 1/125 second and f/9 with 400 ISO.

Mother Earth Day

Respect our Mother!

The theme for the WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge is Earth, asking us to share our vision of this magnificent planet, on which we reside.  On this Mother’s Day, I want to give a nod to the Earth’s raw power…

Steam Releases

The releasing steam is an indication of the power that resides within this planet of ours, as untold heat is bottled up in the layers that make up the Earth.  Not only is there plenty of heat, but it also creates beauty, as seen in the following image.

Geothermal Pool

This geothermal pool in the Myvatn area of Iceland, looks like a tropical lagoon in its serene beauty and color; do not be fooled, as there are spots in this pool that can be scalding hot (one of the signs warning to not bathe here is just off to the right).

Let’s appreciate our Mother Earth on this day and every one, and treat her with the respect she deserves, so we have a great place for a long time!

Technical Details

This shot was taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mk III using an EF 17-40mm f/4 lens.

Hope you enjoy this post inspired by the Daily Post WPC – Earth

Weekly Photo Challenge – Earth

Sitting on the dock of the bay

The theme for the WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge is Earth, asking us to share our vision of this magnificent planet, on which we reside.  I think there may be one or two items that I can come up with.

Bay of Fundy Tide Out

The first of the highly impressive features of our home planet is the variety of tidal movement that exists around the Earth.  Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the Bay of Fundy, as seen here from Digby.

The Bay of Fundy is known for having the highest tidal range in the world. Rivaled by Ungava Bay in northern Quebec, King Sound in Western Australia, Gulf of Khambhat in India, and the Severn Estuary in the UK, it has one of the highest vertical tidal ranges in the world. The Guinness Book of World Records (1975) declared that Burntcoat Head, Nova Scotia has the highest tides in the world:

“The Natural World, Greatest Tides: The greatest tides in the world occur in the Bay of Fundy…. Burntcoat Head in the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia, has the greatest mean spring range with 14.5 metres (47.5 feet) and an extreme range of 16.3 metres (53.5 feet).”

Portions of the Bay of Fundy, Shepody Bay and Minas Basin, form one of six Canadian sites in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, and is classified as a Hemispheric site.  It is administered by the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Canadian Wildlife Service, and is managed in conjunction with Ducks Unlimited Canada and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

Technical Details

This shot was taken with a Canon EOS 1D Mk III using an EF 24-105mm f/4 lens.  Exposure settings were 1/30 second, f/16 at 400 ISO.  This image was not 100% to my liking originally, until I reprocessed it using Photomatix Pro to get the result you see here.

Hope you enjoy this post inspired by the Daily Post WPC – Earth

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