Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 146

Beware of proffered fruit…

Welcome to the 146th round up of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!

First you rose to the occasion and then you went for more growth! What an amazing array of posts! Not only were you creative in your photos, but you also provided wonderful prose and poetry with them! There was also a bit of humor, which I always appreciate 🙂 Thank you for making this another week of fun reading and rounding up!

I hope that you also enjoy all these great posts!

Here’s a delectable growth…

Orange and the Lady

This shot comes from one of my many visits to Tower Hill Botanic Garden, which presents nearly unlimited material for any photographer. Its displays are filled with color, form, structure and combine Nature and human creations in stunning fashions!

The following were this week’s participants in the challenge with links to their posts:

  1. In Don’t Hold Your Breath‘s wonderful post, we take a trip around the lovely town of Shillong!
  2. Nicole brings us up close to the new growth in her post in Une Photo, un Poéme; the brambles look brilliant!
  3. This week, pensivity101 helps us follow some fantastic growth: those ducklings look very cute!
  4. Shelley’s post in Quaint Revival lays out her plans for ensuring that the diet will be successful; it all starts with a pantry!
  5. In an excellent post in A Midnight Rider, we learn about the salt marshes of Cape Cod, which support the growth of much wildlife.
  6. Ron’s post in Progressing into Solitude brings us fresh growth on the coconuts; can’t wait to see the tree!
  7. Yinglan brings us a lot of wild plants in her post in This is Another Story; luckily they are not in her yard!
  8. In theonlyD800inthehameau‘s post, we get to enjoy a stunning photo, all the way from the Botanical Garden in Sydney!
  9. Na’ama’s poem in Na’ama Yehuda provides keen insight into the suddenness, with which life’s growth can catch us by surprise.
  10. Xenia brings us to the snowy dunes post in WhippetWisdom, which is a wonderful experience. In a second post in Tranature, Xenia takes us to the giving tree…
  11. With another gorgeous photo in Chateaux des Fleurs, we see the wonder of growth that carries promise.
  12. In Junk Boat Travels, Jackie brings us a to a favorite place of tequila lovers: a blue agave growth!
  13. Maria’s post in her blog KameraPromenader brings together the elements that create growth…
  14. Sarah’s photo in her post in By Sarah is stunning! Those pumpkins appear to grow everywhere!
  15. Ann-Christine’s post in To See a World in a Grain of Sand brings us a set of amazing photos capturing growth.
  16. With a really interesting photo in Geriatri’X’ Fotogallery, we see that there can be growth in beer…
  17. Robert’s images are simply gorgeous in his post in Photo Roberts Blog; they give an enticing view of growth!
  18. The growth captured in the images in firehorseworld portray most interesting examples of growth!
  19. In a tremendous post in the 59Club, we get to see a tree’s second life in its role as provider…
  20. Jase’s post in Proscenium gives us a fish out of water, which limits the growth of the fish, but contributes to our growth!
  21. In a truly awesome post in Heart to Heart, there’s plenty of importance shown for growth!
  22. Irene’s photo in her post in Heaven’s Sunshine shows how the tiny paperwhite narcissus is growing!
  23. In another lovely post in Anita’s Images, there’s plenty of growth to be seen with great photos!
  24. Debbie contributions this week are twice the fun, as in Travel with Intent, she captures the shrinking feeling. In a second post in Travel with Intent, Debbie brings what grew on us…
  25. In Pictures without Film, Ken shares the potential of growth that is locked within the pine cones.
  26. In an amazing post in Touring with Kids, we get to learn about growing greens in the middle of Iceland!
  27. In a lovely post in Reflections, we learn about aging gracefully. There’s some good advice there!
  28. Sandy focuses on growing slowly, but steady in her post in Out of my Write Mind, which is good for tethered souls!
  29. Penny’s lovely post in Penny Wilson Writes tells us of the importance of nurturing to allow for growth!
  30. Cee’s focuses on the mosses in her post in Cee’s Photography with a stunning set of photos!
  31. Mike captured the tenderest of growths in his post in PhotographyOCD! Imagine that becoming a tall sunflower!
  32. In a great post in Apple Pie and Napalm, we get to see some paperwhites growing up fast!
  33. Deb’s awesome post in Twenty Four has a fantastic capture of growth in all its beauty!
  34. In a cool post in Lillie-Put, Joseph shares some some growing things, which are lovely!
  35. Woolly’s post in Woolly Muses is a lovely scented reminder of the Tao of Poo! It’s amazing what grows on it!
  36. Kammie reminds us of something important in Nut House Central; Nature’s growth will take over!
  37. Ramya’s post in And Miles to go before I sleep… features a truly powerful growth: holy basil (tulsi), which is potent!
  38. Amy shares some of the joy in personal growth in Photography Journal Blog; there are some useful techniques here!
  39. In a lovely post in her blog ForgivingConnects, Debbie shares her journey and the importance of forgiveness and peace.
  40. In another great post in Banactee, we get introduced to a very grown-up trunk! (it’s not what you might think)
  41. Olga takes us on a walk through Nature in her post in Stuff, and what if…, where growth is stunning as always!
  42. In a cool post in Land of Images, we a reminded that growth can be of a very cold variety!
  43. In an amusing post in willowsoul, we learn the valuable lesson that growth is loving yourself!
  44. This week’s post in One letter UP – diary 2.0 not only has us looking up toward some beautiful growth!
  45. Another awesome post from sgeoil has one of my favorite areas of growth…go check it out!
  46. Khürt takes us into the woods in search of growth in his blog Island in the Net; he produced some amazing photos there!
  47. Liz’s contributes two posts this week; the first one in One Million Photographs has potential for something rather delicious in a short time! The second in One Million Photographs has a gorgeous mushroom!

Please let all of these great bloggers know your thoughts about their posts!

Author: jansenphoto

A Fresh Perspective Photography is more than just a vehicle for capturing the world around me; it provides me with a palette and a set of brushes, with which I paint not only what I see, but also look to express the emotions that are evoked by the scene in front of me in that moment. Growing up in the Netherlands exposed me to a wide cross-section of visual arts that laid the foundation of my photographic view of all that surrounds me. Early influences were the Dutch Masters of the 17th century, to whom I was introduced by my grandfather during museum explorations; favorites among them are the scenes of quotidian life depicted by Jan Steen and Frans Hals and the vivid landscapes of Jacob van Ruisdael. My classical high school education was supplemented by the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum, where I spent many a lunch hour exploring its great collection. Here I was introduced to surrealism with a particular love for the approach taken by Salvador Dali; Dali also rekindled my appreciation for the work of Hieronymus Bosch, who often showed the folly of us mortals. Universal Connections My approach to any photographic subject is to look for understanding first; in this I look to establish either a connection between the viewer and the subject or capture the connection of the subject with its surroundings. The captured image then aims to portray this connection from a perspective that is part of my personal interpretation. This interpretation is often a form of externalized introspection, which may alternately display the connection of isolated beings and items with their environment or highlight the whimsy of the profound world, in which we find ourselves. The universe is full of connections, many of which are waiting to be discovered; part of my journey as a photographer is to document these connections. Any assignment, be it an event, a product shoot or a portrait session is always approached through communication with the client; this is where the first connection is established. Ideas are exchanged and a collaborative plan of action forms, ultimately resulting in a set of images that aim to exceed the expectations of each client. And, lest we forget, it is important to have fun while practicing the serious business of photography!

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