Tuesday Photo Challenge – Bird

If a seagull is all that I’m given…

Welcome to Week 79 of the Tuesday Photo Challenge.

It’s good to be (almost) caught up with everything and that I had the time to enjoy your entries for last week’s theme of Sand; they were a pleasure to read!

As I was looking through some of my images to come up with an idea for this week, I came across one that made me chuckle, so I jumped on it!  In this rather simple image, the seagull stands proud with that kind of look that seagulls seem to have perfected over the years.  Therefore, I’m throwing you the theme of Bird!

That doesn’t mean that you have to go find the most exotic bird in the world to get a great image; you could find those everyday birds that are often a nuisance in the park and put them in the spotlight, or you could focus on what many birds do well: fly like a bird! I’m sure that your fertile minds will come up with some rather interesting images!!

So, have fun and shoot some birds (with your camera, of course)!

Here’s that rather put off seagull…

Seagull of Staffa

For this image, I want to share a couple of tidbits; the reason that my wife and I took a boat trip to Staffa was that she would really like to see puffins; allegedly, they nest on Staffa in significant quantities!  Excited with the opportunity to photograph some puffins, I went out to rent a reasonably priced 100-400mm lens to take along on the trip.  When I went to pick up the lens, the one that I was to get had not yet been returned by the previous renter. After explaining my plans, they agreed to rent me a Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS USM lens for the same price (a really good deal, as that lens cost appr. $5000 more).

So, my wife and I get on the boat to Staffa, and I’m the envy of every photographer, as they are greatly impressed by my lens.  After arriving on Staffa, we go exploring in all of the areas, where puffins are rumored to be, only to find not a single puffin on the island! Plenty of seagulls, though!  As I had been carrying the rather heavy lens all the way over here, I decided that I might as well work with what I am given; I actually had to back up to get the entire seagull in the frame, as a 400mm lens has a fairly narrow field of view.  I should say that I was very impressed with the performance of the lens, as the optics were the best that I ever used.

The full rules of this challenge are in TPC Guidelines, but here’s the tl;dr:

  • Write a post with an image for this week’s topic
  • Please tag your post with fpj-photo-challenge (if you’re not sure about how tags work, please check out this WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post, so that I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week (note: pingbacks may not appear immediately, as my site is set up to require approval for linking to it; helps against previous bad experiences with spamming)
  • Have fun creating something new (or sharing something old)!!

I’m looking forward to seeing what you find in your sandbox, belt-sander or hourglass…

Also, an appropriate image for the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge theme of Scale.

Author: jansenphoto

A Fresh Perspective Photography is more than just a vehicle for capturing the world around me; it provides me with a palette and a set of brushes, with which I paint not only what I see, but also look to express the emotions that are evoked by the scene in front of me in that moment. Growing up in the Netherlands exposed me to a wide cross-section of visual arts that laid the foundation of my photographic view of all that surrounds me. Early influences were the Dutch Masters of the 17th century, to whom I was introduced by my grandfather during museum explorations; favorites among them are the scenes of quotidian life depicted by Jan Steen and Frans Hals and the vivid landscapes of Jacob van Ruisdael. My classical high school education was supplemented by the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum, where I spent many a lunch hour exploring its great collection. Here I was introduced to surrealism with a particular love for the approach taken by Salvador Dali; Dali also rekindled my appreciation for the work of Hieronymus Bosch, who often showed the folly of us mortals. Universal Connections My approach to any photographic subject is to look for understanding first; in this I look to establish either a connection between the viewer and the subject or capture the connection of the subject with its surroundings. The captured image then aims to portray this connection from a perspective that is part of my personal interpretation. This interpretation is often a form of externalized introspection, which may alternately display the connection of isolated beings and items with their environment or highlight the whimsy of the profound world, in which we find ourselves. The universe is full of connections, many of which are waiting to be discovered; part of my journey as a photographer is to document these connections. Any assignment, be it an event, a product shoot or a portrait session is always approached through communication with the client; this is where the first connection is established. Ideas are exchanged and a collaborative plan of action forms, ultimately resulting in a set of images that aim to exceed the expectations of each client. And, lest we forget, it is important to have fun while practicing the serious business of photography!

113 thoughts on “Tuesday Photo Challenge – Bird”

  1. Oh my goodness Frank. Bird!!! I have thousands of bird photos. Perhaps I should just use the last bird I photographed otherwise I’ll be here all night 🙂

  2. Sorry. Frank. I’m done. I haven’t seen a bird here in weeks. Much less sand. So … I guarantee that my I’ll either skip this one or post one from almost a decade ago when we visited Barnegat Light as a family. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and one will land right in my lap. It’s all hay rides, pumpkin spice and zombie walks this month.

      1. I don’t normally eat sweets so avoidance isn’t hard. Unless there is an overzealous older relative insisting it’s tradition and feeling offended that I won’t partake. Sigh.

        The photo shoot is postponed to next weekend. Most of the leaves are still green.

  3. A nice topic as I have quite often joined ornithological excursions, and even here in Berlin you find a great diversity of birds which we watch sometimes also from our balcony. The problem is that you can quite often only hear the voices of the birds, but a photo of such is challenging and difficult. I have already featured special birds in my blog but then therefore used photos of professional animal photographers. But now most of the birds are in Africa!

  4. Oh my gosh, Frank! Love the synchronicity of your story behind this photo. Your wife must have been amused? 🙂 Anyway, great challenge. I’m hoping to contribute something beautiful for Forgiving Fridays in regards to soaring like a bird, or another intuition that comes present. Have a great weekend! Debbie

  5. I have a strong feeling that right now, those puffins are crying for missing out an opportunity to be featured up in a snap captured with such an amazing lens 🙂

  6. Pingback: photo roberts blog
  7. Pingback: Bird – travel387

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