Friday’s Mystery Slide – vol 2

Don’t be koi about this challenge

As last Friday’s mystery slide got a very positive response, I figured that I’d post another one from quite a while ago.  This time, the slide didn’t have the answer marked on it, as it just said “#2”, but I think some smart readers can tell me a little about the following image:

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Where are we?

This image is another slide scan from the collection of slides that I received from my father-in-law.  Clearly, his father did a bit of traveling, as there are airplanes in the image.

This location has some interesting features, such as the fish pond and the pagoda and looks rather peaceful.

I am looking forward to what you can tell me about this location and its history.

Friday’s Mystery Slide

What kind of gas do we have here?

Today, I want to start something a little different: present you with a mystery.  Not a deep, dark mystery to be sure, but, rather, something from the past that may interest both young and old.

Holy Gasbag! What do we have here?

This image is a scan from a slide, that was not taken by me; I came upon a collection of slides that my father-in-law was going to throw out (they were wrapped up neatly in a paper towel with tape marked trash on them).

Luckily, he was nice enough to check and see, if I wanted the containers that they were stored in, so I asked him, if I could have the slides too.  He kind of shrugged and said, “Sure”.

This was a couple of years ago and I promptly bought a slide scanner, but never touched them until this week.  After getting a new driver for the scanner from the manufacturer in Taiwan, I fired it up last night and let it scan the first 36 slides.

That is when I noticed this slide that I present to you as a mystery.  What do you make of it?  What is this location?  What is its purpose?

Hope you enjoy this little mystery.  If you do, I may bring out more slides from this collection.  I’m curious to see what all of you can bring to the light.

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