Khürt’s 52 Week Smartphone Challenge – Week 6 – #nofilter

That’s Effingut!

With travel and all, I’ve missed a couple of weeks of Khürt Williams photo challenge series, the 52 Week Smartphone Challenge. The theme for week 6 is ‘#NoFilter’: “No limit on what you shoot this week, as long as the image is pure. No filters, presets or other edits. Basic exposure corrections only this week.”

You know it’s good!

Khürt may have set some rules for this week, so I might as well start with twisting them a bit. I didn’t use a filter per se, but am guilty of a bit of post-processing in Luminar 4, which is rapidly becoming one of my favorite editing tools. As the content of this shot indicates, the #NoFilter is implied in the brewery name… Plus, I thought that with Khürt’s appreciation for the finer breweries, this might fit well for this week’s theme.

Location: Mumbai. Shot with iPhone 11 ProMax f/2 lens.

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