Tuesday Photo Challenge – Memories

Remember and appreciate

Welcome to Week 135 of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!  No, you didn’t miss the round up of last week’s theme of Trio; it will be a day or two late, as I’m trying to catch up on my photo processing of a charity event for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress that I photographed this weekend.

As I looked at some of your entries for last week’s triple threat of fun, I know that you’ll be entertained by the results!!  For this week’s theme, I’m leaning in a direction that is driven by personal events of the past week, as our oldest dog, Bette, passed away last Tuesday.  This led me to the theme of Memories, which I will revisit this week in a post with memories of Bette.

In your interpretation of this theme, feel free to use your creative minds and share any memories that you would like of the kind of your choosing.  Don’t hesitate to go for the whimsical!

Here’s an interpretation to get you going…


This poppy was one of several that I captured during our visit to Ostia Antica last year; there were many that grew among the amazing ruins in the excavation of Ostia Antica, which is an incredible site to visit.  This entire locale is filled with memories from times long gone by, as it gives an indelible impression of life during Roman times.

The full rules of this challenge are in TPC Guidelines, but here’s the tl;dr:

  • Write a post with an image for this week’s topic
  • Please tag your post with fpj-photo-challenge (if you’re not sure about how tags work, please check out this WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post, so that I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week (note: pingbacks may not appear immediately, as my site is set up to require approval for linking to it; helps against previous bad experiences with spamming)
  • Have fun creating something new (or sharing something old)!!

Can’t wait to see what triplets will grace your posts!

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