Memories of Good Times

A final farewell

A quick note to let you know why there some delays over the pass week. After a short stay in hospice, my mother passed away last week. There are many great times and wonderful memories for all of us to hold on to as we celebrate her life this week.

I succeeded in traveling to the Netherlands at the end of the week, so that I can be here for a final farewell. We’ll miss her!

Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 135

Memories fill our hearts!

Welcome to the 135th round up of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!

First of all, thanks to each and everyone of you for your warm wishes and thoughts.  Your contributions to this week’s theme of Memories are stunning and creative.  There were a number among them that really touched me, some made me smile and even laugh. It was a joy to read all of your posts and I appreciate the amount of effort that you have put into each post!

I hope that you enjoy these wonderful posts!

Our dogs are always in our hearts…

Tonka was our first dog, a lovely mutt, who we got from the shelter when she was about 10 weeks old; she was not the bravest soul, but could always tell good people from bad and stood her ground when she felt the need. Darwin was our first Cardigan Welsh Corgi; we got him when he was six months old and a timid little dog.  He grew into a proud and confident dog who loved agility and herding and lived to the age of 16.  Ransom was our second Cardigan, who loved nothing better than snuggling.  We lost him earlier this year when he was almost 15.  Bette came from the same breeder as Ransom and was a smart dog, who ruled the pack for many years.

The following were this week’s participants in the challenge with links to their posts:

  1. In the Nut House, Kammie shares wonderful memories of places and family!
  2. This week, pensivity101 takes her inspiration from Cats, as well as family, one of which led to the purchase of a piano!
  3. In another great post in theonlyD800inthehameau, the deadhead correctly observes that this theme is a repeat; go check out his great photo and I hope that the repeat was acceptable 🙂
  4. Ladyleemanila shares the wonderful memories of her Pearl wedding anniversary and the great places she visited on the trip that came with it!
  5. In this week’s contribution in Don’t Hold Your Breath, we go to the Garden of Peace and Comfort, a stunning locale!
  6. Xenia share the memories of seals in her blog Tranature, which are wonderfully cute!  In a lovely post in WhippetWisdom, Xenia shares the magic of Eivor and Pearl with great tankas.
  7. Tatiana shares a great post in Vegas Great Attractions, as she introduces us to the Nevada State Museum. In TravelWays we visit the wonderful beaches of Acapulco!  And in TravelArtPix the Panama City skyline is featured!
  8. The post in Na’ama Yehuda is filled with the power of the heart’s memories!
  9. Sarah’s post in By Sarah takes us to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, which features the roll of honour.
  10. In a wonderful post in For the Love Of, memories of past dogs are shared with us and they are truly touching!
  11. Jase features Lucy in his post in Proscenium; Lucy is a not so sweet cat ‘rescued’ by the kids…
  12. Emily displays a pattern in her post in Zombie Flamingoes, and I think that she needs to share some of this pattern!
  13. Sandy shares a great memory in her post in Out of my Write Mind, as that class photo is fantastic!
  14. In Heart to Heart‘s post we get to experience the joys of a trip to Bangkok in 2013.
  15. In this week’s post in To See a World in a Grain of Sand… Ann-Christine shares a wonderful memory with a magical beast!
  16. The wonderful post by Geriatri’X’ Fotogallery makes me want to taste those freshly picked mangos!
  17. In his post in the Blog of Hammad Rais, Hammad not only has some great photos, but also a wonderful poem that walks down memory lane!
  18. In another wonderful post in Land of Images, we enjoy the memory of a balmy day in the dunes.
  19. Woolly shares some really cool memories in his Woolly Muses post, which is filled with the best of Botswana.
  20. Deb’s post in Twenty Four takes us to a gorgeous location in New Zealand on the occasion of her birthday in 2012.
  21. In a lovely post in Mama Cormier, we get to meet both the oldest and youngest member of her family.  
  22. Olga has great memories in her post in Stuff and what if…, and the Ukrainian Garlic festival looks very cool!
  23. Khürt may not have been feeling his best for Thanksgiving, but as we can see in his post in Island in the Net, thanks to a great support system he got to enjoy it!
  24. This week’s post in One letter UP – diary 2.0 features a rather whimsical memory and is highly enjoyable!
  25. In another fantastic post in Life Amazing, we are treated to some amazing family photos and their importance.
  26. Maria’s memories in her post in KameraPromenader gave me a chill…it may have been a little cold!
  27. The post in Ostendnomadography is filled with fantastic travel memories; those locales are just amazing!!
  28. Ilka’s post in A Thousand Miles brings back the memory of the restorative power of the forest by the Lech.
  29. Ron starts the contributions of the week with a great post in Progressing into Solitude.
  30. Debbie has a great post in Travel with Intent, where she features the St. Pancras Station soldiers’ sculptures, which are an eerie reminder of the toll of war…

I hope that you enjoy these posts and let the authors know!

Tuesday Photo Challenge – Memories

Remember and appreciate

Welcome to Week 135 of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!  No, you didn’t miss the round up of last week’s theme of Trio; it will be a day or two late, as I’m trying to catch up on my photo processing of a charity event for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress that I photographed this weekend.

As I looked at some of your entries for last week’s triple threat of fun, I know that you’ll be entertained by the results!!  For this week’s theme, I’m leaning in a direction that is driven by personal events of the past week, as our oldest dog, Bette, passed away last Tuesday.  This led me to the theme of Memories, which I will revisit this week in a post with memories of Bette.

In your interpretation of this theme, feel free to use your creative minds and share any memories that you would like of the kind of your choosing.  Don’t hesitate to go for the whimsical!

Here’s an interpretation to get you going…


This poppy was one of several that I captured during our visit to Ostia Antica last year; there were many that grew among the amazing ruins in the excavation of Ostia Antica, which is an incredible site to visit.  This entire locale is filled with memories from times long gone by, as it gives an indelible impression of life during Roman times.

The full rules of this challenge are in TPC Guidelines, but here’s the tl;dr:

  • Write a post with an image for this week’s topic
  • Please tag your post with fpj-photo-challenge (if you’re not sure about how tags work, please check out this WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post, so that I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week (note: pingbacks may not appear immediately, as my site is set up to require approval for linking to it; helps against previous bad experiences with spamming)
  • Have fun creating something new (or sharing something old)!!

Can’t wait to see what triplets will grace your posts!

Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 102

A memorable week

Welcome to the 102nd round up of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!  First of all a heartfelt thank you for all the wonderful wishes that you shared, after the loss of our old man among the Cardigans, Ransom.  15 years is just not enough.

Thank you very much for sharing your memories this week.  They were touching, loving and all around wonderful. It definitely cheered me up to read your posts, for which I thank you kindly!

Here’s a memory from my short trip to Iceland in 2015….

Farm view!

Iceland is an amazing country with stunning landscape and wonderful people. This is the view from where I stayed outside Akureyri; looking north toward the fjord.

The following were this week’s participants in the challenge with links to their posts:

  • By Sarah‘s memories took us back to a fantastic looking merry-go-round, that she remembered from a couple of years back!
  • A wonderful post in CitySonnet shares the memories of her grandmother through embroidery!
  • This week’s contribution in theonlyD800inthehameau has great memories of a visit by his daughter and twin grandsons!
  • In a great post in Woolly Muses, we join in a memory from a last day in Africa and seeing lion cubs with their mother.
  • In a wonderful contribution by Don’t Hold Your Breath, we get to see Elephant’s Head, which is aptly named.
  • Xenia’s entry in whippetwisdom shows that Eivor and Pearl really know how to enjoy life to its fullest!
  • A beautiful poem in Na’ama Yehuda‘s post goes well with the photo, which captures a dear memory.
  • Nicole’s memories this week in Une Photo, Un Poéme take us to Ypres, where the Menin Gate is a memorial to those soldiers that fell there during World War I.
  • In a lovely post in Fleeting Muse, Pranab shares some of their favorite memories of the eldest son’s high school graduation and Crate Lake.
  • Marie shares some of her favorite memories of her dad in her post in the New 3 R’s: Retire, Recharge, Reconnect on what would have been his 93rd birthday.
  • A wonderful set of photos in Geriatri’X’ Fotogallery provide great memories of time spent in the desert.
  • Debbie’s post in Travel with Intent shares her memories of a walking vacation in France, which her daughter seemed to enjoy as well!
  • Susan takes us back in time in her post in Musin’ with Susan!  I can definitely relate to the memory she shares here!
  • In this week’s entry from ForgivingConnects, Debbie is making memories every day, as she’s looking toward some travel and taking a break from blogging.
  • George shares a wonderful set of memories in his post in Alchemist of the Woods, and some very nice words about this series of challenges; thank you!!
  • Miriam’s post in Shower of Blessings is a beautiful set of memories of her neighbor of 12 years, who was close to her husband and clearly a very nice guy!
  • In a fantastic post from Anita’s Images, we are treated to some of her memories of sunsets and a photo shoot on the beach!
  • Doar Nicole shares some really interesting photos, which are combined with beautiful poetry.  Also, please congratulate her on this being her 500th post!
  • In pensivity101, we find a truly touching post filled with memories rather than words…
  • The blog Following Him Beside Still Waters turned 2 years old and celebrates the anniversary with a great post that walks down memory lane!

I hope that you enjoy these posts and let the authors know!

The Wee Writing Lassie

The Musings of a Writer / Freelance Editor in Training

Pencil Notes

Pencil on paper. Images arise. Message received.

nancy merrill photography

capturing memories one moment at a time

Mama Cormier

.... my journey to a healthy life, making new memories and so much more

Don't Forget the Half

Loving the sum total of all my parts!

sound mind journal

a poet's thoughts about life

Wandering Teresa

Welcome to my creative corner! Here, I share my photos, travel stories, random thoughts, and a bit of myself.

Maria Vincent Robinson

Photographer Of Life and moments

Does writing excuse watching?

Wasting time on the couch.

Dare Boldly

Aging with Grace, Courage and Vitality

Jennifer's Journal

Website & Blog of J. Kelland Perry, Author