Plentiful Paperclips

Household items

The WordPress Daily Prompt provides the theme of Profuse, which gave me an immediate thought.

One of the things that I have always enjoyed doing in my photography is the solving of tricky lighting riddles, which is something that I tackled in this situation.

I wanted to photograph these paperclips in a way that gave them a bit more drama and, maybe even a bit of mystery.  To achieve this effect, I looked to provide stark shadows, which meant to keep the light at a very low angle of incidence and ensuring that the background stayed very black, as seen here…

A Profusion of Paperclips

Shooting a black background is a bit tricky, as any light that falls on it has the tendency to show up gray.  For this shoot I used a single flash and cinefoil to control the light (and shadow).  Cinefoil is akin to a heavy aluminum foil, but a matte black rather than shiny.  In order to make the paperclips large, I used a macro lens with an extension tube, so that I could pull the focal plane in a little closer.

It was fun to create this shot, and even more fun, after I printed it as a 16″x20″ format print; it’s cool to see paperclips becoming large!

Have a wonderful day!

Some Sunny Days

Sunshine of your love!

Today’s WordPress Daily Post prompt is Sunny, which is something that most of us enjoy, whether it is a nice sunny day or a friend with sunny disposition!

So here are some sunny images that I thought might brighten your day…

Hope you have a wonderful day!

That What Lurks Underground…

What looks upon us?

As the spooky season is coming upon us and hauntings will become the daily occurrences, it is interesting to see a WordPress Daily Prompt of Underground!

When we think of underground, there are a number of directions that our mind may take ranging from the literal of that which is below the surface to the possibly illicit and sinister, as it is hidden from the eye.

Whence am I?

In looking at this image, I ask you where your thoughts take you: is this statue recently uncovered by archaeologists or is it a more sinister apparition that has risen from the depths of our planet?  Or, for the Whovians, could this be a Weeping Angel?

Technical Details

This image was captured with a Canon EOS 5D MkII and EF 24-105mm f/5L lens.  Exposure settings were at 1/50 second and f/10 at 400 ISO.

Urgent Meeting of the Minds

Brain salad surgery?

When the WordPress Daily Prompt suggests Urgent as a theme, I couldn’t help but want to take somewhat of a less than 100% serious spin on it.  In our daily lives there is way too much urgency already, as people hurry from one place to another without paying attention to the wonderful world, in which they find themselves.

It’s time to smell the flowers, take a deep cleansing breath and say hi to the people in your life!  If you must have a meeting, just make sure that it’s a true meeting of the minds…

Jumping Brains gather for a meeting

The Jumping Brain is a creation by Spanish artist Emilio Garcia, founder of Secret Lapo Laboratories; each of Emilio’s masterfully crafted releases sells out in record time, as they are much sought after by collectors across the globe.  I consider myself lucky to have a considerable collection of his work, part of which you see in this photo.

Technical Details

This photo was taken with a Canon EOS 5D MkII using studio lighting.


Don’t cry!

The WordPress Daily Prompt for today is Clumsy.   This is the image that came to mind right away…

The Lonely Onion

Clearly, this onion was a little clumsy crossing the road.

Of course, being clumsy could be a burden, but clumsiness has also generated much hilarity!  Much physical comedy has been based in apparently clumsy routines, such as the great British comedian and magician, Tommy Cooper:


A highly evolved dog!

As a dog lover, it was impossible to pass up today’s WordPress Daily Prompt of Animal.  Even though we live with five animals (4 Cardigan Welsh Corgis and 1 Cat), each of which is unique in their own way, it was a simple choice for me, as our current oldest dog, Darwin, has a birthday coming up this month: his 15th birthday!!

Here’s Darwin, from a number of years ago, as he was having a blast running through a little stream…

Darwin having fun!

He knows how to have a good time, and, even though he spends a good amount of his day sleeping these days, he’s still full of life and mischievous!


Frosts of Atlantis

Continental freeze

Another great Daily Prompt today with the topic of Shiver!  Of course, we shiver in response to a number of factors besides a cold breeze, such as the perception of a ghostly presence in our personal space…

Many ghosts were created during the disappearance of Atlantis, the mythical city that is mentioned by Plato in Timaeus.  What is not mentioned in Plato’s text is that during the destruction of the island nation, a deep freeze set in…

Frosts of Atlantis

If you look carefully in this image, you will find indications of city streets and buildings in the layers of frost… Now, if I could only remember where I took this photo!

A Haunting

She walks the attic

When I saw today’s WordPress Daily Prompt of Ghost, the first thing that came to mind is that the expectation is probably for folks to write about a ghost or their imaginings of a spectral apparition of sorts…  A quick look through some of the posts shows that to be the case.

So rather than writing about a ghost, I’ll share the image of a ghost wandering through an old Mill building in Clinton, Massachusetts…

A Haunting

This building has a rich history, filled with hard work under difficult conditions, in which accidents were not altogether rare.  It would appear that one of the workers during those times has not found true rest yet, as she continues to traverse the attic in the mill…

Technical Details

This image was captured with a Canon EOS 1D MkIII using an EF 24-105mm f/4L lens.  Exposure settings were 15 seconds at f/16 and 100 ISO.

The Elusive Rose Particle

Between dimensions lies beauty

In the annals of Particle Physics there is always discussion about the next particle to be discovered.  At which energy level can we expect to find it?  Can we verify its theoretical mass?  How stable will it be?

Heady questions, all of these!  In the alternate reality that surrounds us within hidden dimensions, we simply need to uncover the pathways into these dimensions and let our mind’s eye guide us across them.  When we are in an adequate frame of mind to follow these pathways, we find untold beauty and a wealth of new knowledge.  One of these paths leads us to this elusive vision of beauty…

Rose Particle

The Rose Particle is a rather elusive superposition of energies within interstitial dimensional space.  When perceived, it radiates universal energies, which have been known to establish beautiful patterns.

In response to Daily Prompt – Elusive.

Technical Details

This image was captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mk II using an EF 24-105mm f/4L lens.  Exposure settings were 1/3 second with f/16 at 200 ISO; a zoom blur technique was used to create the effect in camera.

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