Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 162

Around and round she goes…

Welcome to the 162nd round up of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!

You Towered to new heights!! Your posts provided a wide array of towers and towering structures and objects! You certainly expressed your creativity through the photography and words that you brought into your entries. There were some stunning images and some that made me smile, which made it a joy to read each of your blog posts. I hope you enjoy reading each others’ posts as well!

Thank you for another great week of challenge responses!

Here’s an old-style approach to conquering a tower…

Going up the Tower…

This image comes from our vacation to Italy in 2017; in the lovely town of Ostia Antica, we found the papal castle of Julius II, which made for an interesting visit. As there was a slight communication problem, we didn’t get the idea of having to stay outside the castle until our guide was ready. As we got to the top of the castle, a local worker yelled at us in very animated Italian, as we were lacking a ‘casco‘… It took me a while to figure out that we needed hard hats 🙂

  1. Sarah starts things this week in her post in By Sarah; the tower she captured is a staggering 640 feet tall!
  2. A really interesting tower is featured in MV Obsession‘s post; the last remaining WW II lookout tower in New Jersey!
  3. Shelley’s post in Quaint Revival is a must-read! I dare you not to laugh while reading it… Might I suggest lasagna for Dessy?
  4. Serendipity is at play, as you see in Jackie’s post in Junk Boat Travels: the tower is a bit of a lean-to, but well known!
  5. Alice’s photo in her post in the 59 Club is gorgeous! The landscape and church are stunning.
  6. Xenia shows how Nature can tower in her post in WhippetWisdom with her wonderful whippets! In a second post in Tranature, we get to enjoy Loch Assynt and a mysterious tower!
  7. In this week’s entry in pensivity101 we are reminded that towering can be relative…it’s all a matter of perspective!
  8. Ken breaks out a towering tower in his post in Pictures without Film; that’s a great photo!
  9. Nicole takes us to Bucharest in her blog Une Photo, Un Poéme with a lovely photo that shows a rather cool tower!
  10. If there’s a word to describe the photo in Chateaux des Fleur‘s entry for the theme, I think it’s simply WOW!
  11. This week’s post in Don’t Hold Your Breath takes us to Imagination Valley in Cappadocia. The ancient dwellings and towers are just amazing!
  12. Maria’s entry in Kamerapromenader takes us to Uppsala, where the cathedral really towers over us!
  13. Mike shows us some different towers in Photography OCD, where he shares a wonderful shot of silos in Wrightsville.
  14. Prasath’s post in MyTravelCSP brings us some beautiful photos of cell phone towers.
  15. Jase’s post in Proscenium features some towering mountains, as well as those who tower over us… Cool post!
  16. Marie’s photo in the New 3Rs: Retire, Recharge, Reconnect shows us a truly stunning structure: a tower of glass!
  17. We get to see another amazing photo from theonlyD800inthehameau with the towering church in Oradour-sur-Glane.
  18. With a wonderful pair of photos in Heart to Heart, we get to see the CN Tower in two completely different surroundings…
  19. In Land of Images there’s ample evidence that Nature has created some towering structures. The photo is gorgeous!
  20. Debbie brings us along to Azerbaijan in her post in Travel with Intent; the Maiden Tower is definitely a unique structure!
  21. Eliza assembled an incredible array of towers in Albatz Travel Adventures, which is a wonderful blog. Which is your favorite tower?
  22. This week’s entry in iBall Round the World connects perfectly with last week’s vista, as we get to see the Montparnasse tower!
  23. Sandy takes us to the peak in her post in Out of My Write Mind, as she shares a great photo and lovely poem!
  24. David’s post for this week’s theme in David M’s Photoblog may have you thinking that you’re looking at a lighthouse… Read this great post to see what it really is!
  25. Irene’s post for this week’s entry in Heaven’s Sunshine certainly captures towering over the desert!
  26. Brian’s post in Bushboy’s World is titled ‘So many towers’; indeed there are and I wonder how many people can identify!
  27. Travel with Tech takes us to the Philippines, where we get see amazing towers with a rich history and great beauty!
  28. Susan captured a rather useful tower in Musin’ with Susan: water towers are wonderful structures!
  29. Woolly brings towers from all over the world in WoollyMuses; I’m intrigued by the Burj Khalifa, as it’s so tall that it must be awe-inspiring to stand next to it.
  30. Deb’s tower in her post in Twenty-Four has some useful aspects to it; I love the sound of these, as they catch the wind!
  31. Teressa’s post in Another LQQk brings us a number of TV towers in Iowa; these structures are as high as 2000 feet! Imagine doing maintenance on one of them…
  32. Cee has some interesting towers in her post in Cee’s Photography;I particularly like the vintage water tower, as I’m a fan of steam locomotives.
  33. This week’s post in One letter UP – diary 2.0 brings us a tower that is instantly recognizable, as it has been on the silver screen before…
  34. With wonderful photos in his post in Q’s Place, Quincy brings us not only great towers, but also an amazing view!
  35. Kelly’s post in Kelly Guymon Photography brings us a great perspective of NYC with a stunning tower!!
  36. That’s a rather impressive lily-of-the-valley in sgeoil‘s post! It certainly does tower over everything else!

Please let all of these great bloggers know your thoughts about their posts!

Tuesday Photo Challenge – Tower

Towering achievements!

Welcome to week 162 of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!

Vacation time in Ireland was fantastic, but it’s great to be home again, as we got greeted very warmly by our dogs! As I’m catching up on all the things that didn’t get done during vacation, I will post last week’s round up on Wednesday.

For this week’s theme, the inspiration is two-fold: there was a wonderful example close to our last place where we stayed in Ireland and it provides a great opportunity for catching a vista… This week’s theme of Tower can be taken in various directions, as it can be a verb or a noun… I’m looking forward to seeing your creative minds and hearts explore the Tower that is Towering!!

I hope that you’ll have fun with this week’s theme, and that the Tower is not looming over you!

Here’s the barn that inspired this week’s theme…

The Wonderful Barn

This structure is known as The Wonderful Barn and is located in Leixlip, County Kildare, Ireland. It was built in 1743 and there are a number of theories about its purpose (cf. Wikipedia); the prevalent theory that was explained to me is its use as a granary, not only to stave off the famines that were common, but specifically for the Guinness breweries. Its height is 22 meters, which makes it a significant climb with a bag of grain on ones back.

When I first saw it, this structure reminded me of the Tower of Babel in the painting by Pieter Bruegel. It has this feeling of something that was lost in translation…

The full rules of this challenge are in TPC Guidelines, but here’s the tl;dr:

  • Write a post with an image for this week’s topic
  • Please tag your post with fpj-photo-challenge (if you’re not sure about how tags work, please check out this WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post, so that I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week (note: pingbacks may not appear immediately, as my site is set up to require approval for linking to it; helps against previous bad experiences with spamming)
  • Have fun creating something new (or sharing something old)!!

Looking forward to all your towering creations!

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