A Slice of the Season!

A slice of life this time of year!

As I was thinking of what iPhone image might be an interesting pick, I looked for something that I shot around this time of year. Then I came across this one that I still enjoy seeing after 9 years…

Slice of the Season

After slicing some of the ice cream cake, the pattern on the knife in front of the cake caught my eye, and it almost begged to be photographed. What could I do?

I hope that you enjoy some ice cream cake with your favorite holiday meal this season!!

Brno at Night

A couple of quick images from wonderful Brno

As it’s a week of business travel and the usual all day affair of meetings and meals, I’ve been remiss in posting; so here’s a quick post of a couple of captures while walking back to my hotel here in Brno.

Father Martin Streda statue

This statue of the revered Father Martin Streda struck me with the interesting lighting, as it stands next to the Jesuit Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Father Martin Streda’s reverence comes from the time of the siege of the city of Brno by Swedish troops during 1645; according to the stories told, the Virgin Mary appeared to him during his prayers and told him that the city of Brno would not be conquered, if everyone obeyed God. After this apparition, Martin proceeded to be uncannily accurate in his predictions of attacks by the Swedish and the last cannonball fired at the city landed at his feet and remained motionless.

Little Mozart

This statue produces another interesting shadow due to the way it is lighted. It is known as ‘Little Mozart’ and stands in front of the Reduta Theatre on the square known as the Cabbage Market (still in operation 6 days a week). In 1767, the then 11 year old Mozart performed at the theater along with his sister Maria Anna. The statue is unusual in that it has the head of a mature Mozart on an child’s body with a single wing; the latter is likely included to mark the tragic death of the composer.

If you get the chance, Brno is a fabulous city to visit with lots of sights, great restaurants and hospitable people. I always enjoy coming back here.

And yes, the meetings and trip have been extremely productive!

Orange is the Season!

Pumpkin is the word!

The WordPress Daily Prompt gives us the theme of Orange.  Not a bad choice for one born in the Netherlands, as Orange is our national team color!

This time of year, the season of Halloween, orange is everywhere, as pumpkins are often carved into jack-o-lanterns and consumed in pumpkin pie!  It’s one of my favorite times of the year, as people have fun releasing their inner child for some merriment, and the weather and colors of the trees are just right for my taste!

Here are some pumpkins for your (visual) enjoyment..

Orange is the Season!

At a local farm stand the crop was laid out for all to see and purchase.  Quite a vista!

Have a wonderful day!

The Sting is On!

What is the crime?

The WordPress Daily Prompt has the theme of Sting.  What kind of sting would it be?

Is it that ever pesky wasp, about to sting with its venomous personality?  Or is it the deception of the ruse that is so crucial to a well-played sting?

In this photo, it would appear that a crime was committed against the innocent looking can of carbonated beverage.  But is that really the case?  Or is the crime the ruse that has been played on the unknowing consumer, who thinks that the calorie count is what makes this a better choice?

I think it may be the latter….

20160107-Scene-of-the-Crime2016-01-07 08.34.32-1
Scene of the Crime

How do you read this crime scene?

Scene of the Crime

Never expected…

It was a rather pedestrian day, as clouds and sun battled for dominance of the sky above, until I chanced upon the scene of the crime.  I didn’t expect it at all.  As I walked back to my infernal machine (it’s not just a pickup truck to me), between two cars, there it was…

20160107-Scene-of-the-Crime2016-01-07 08.34.32-1
Scene of the Crime

Without regard for carbonation, or the tenderly printed ‘Loved One’ on the side of one can, the potential for refreshment had been stomped out, like a protester in Tiananmen Square.  The parking lot was filled with danger that day!


Pleased to meet you!

A pleasing sight of cows

When I saw that today’s WordPress Daily Prompt is Pleased, a little smile came to my face, as I a bit pleased with an idea that crossed my mind.

The idea was to put a smile on your faces with a bit of silliness.  And who knows more about creating a silly scene than a bunch of cows trying to get their picture taken?


The source of this image is a bit amusing, as I actually was trying to get a landscape shot of the farm, where these cows resided.  However, curiosity got the better of these wonderful bovines, which brought them over, just in case I had some food for them.

Exhibit Selections – ep. 4

Warrior of the Fields

One of the fun parts of preparing each of the images that we selected for the upcoming exhibit for printing, is that I occasionally see opportunities to try something very different with the image, as I’m working through Photoshop.

If I printed the particular image previously, I have the settings and print-ready file available, but many of the Yoga Tree images were shown on-line only; it’s a bit of work to get an image ready, as I like to get it just right and print only once, as the larger format photography paper can be quite expensive.  With a properly calibrated monitor that is usually not a problem, as I have the profiles for each of the various papers that I use with my printer.

The last image that I was prepping today is the monochrome image that I want to include; as the monochrome treatment in Instagram is rather rudimentary, I decided to start with the color image, which led me down a different path…

Warrior of the Fields

With the editing tools at my disposable, I sometimes get way too many choices, and when I saw the possibility of creating this grungy, but album-cover worthy (I think) treatment of the Yoga Tree standing over the fields of destruction, I just had to run with it.  It was a lot of fun!  What do you think about this version?

I’ll likely go with the monochrome version…

2014-07-28 07.08.17 HDR-1

But it was a fun diversion 🙂

Hope you’re having a great day,


Return Your Empty Bottle

Another refill please!

In my photography I don’t shy away from trashy subjects, particular when that trash is the detritus of civilization, as we live it.

Sometimes our trash tells an interesting story about us, although we may not want this story told…

Such was the case for this image, which I captured on a frosty morning on the edge of a fallow field.  This 5 gallon (18.9 liter) water bottle missed out on its opportunity for a refill, as it had been discarded before its next reincarnation as a water container.

Return for Refill

This image was captured with an iPhone 4S using the standard Camera app.

Inspired by the Daily Post – Empty.

Daily Prompt – Embarrassing


Here’s a Daily Prompt that made me think about what I wanted to present… Embarrassing is not something that I strive for in my photography, as it is not a great moment to capture most of the time.

Then it came to me….

That’s Embarrassing!

Yes, humanity’s ability to just dump their unwanted belongings anywhere is rather embarrassing…  Even more so in this case, as this was deposited no more than 50 feet from the town dump…

Technical Details

This photo was taken with an iPhone 4S using the standard Camera app.

In response to today’s Daily Prompt – Embarrassing.

The Wee Writing Lassie

The Musings of a Writer / Freelance Editor in Training

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Wandering Teresa

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